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Riches VS Poverty : What's your pick?

Greetings to all,

I haven't fulfilled my promise for spectroscopy just yet, but rest assured it is on its way. This edition would be something that has always been at the back of my head for a while now. It has been a an old age discussion in deciding whether it is good to be rich or better to be poor. Some may resort to being poor by saying money can't buy happiness. Some may sulk and say that they have tried everything they have in their power to be rich and failed. Some may say they are happy that they are poor.

"Poor service is what we hate"

At today's times, some may argue being at the other spectrum might be better to educate children, 3 times meals a day, decent ride and comfortable home (of course some may throw in other things as well). When it comes down to it, that's all life is about. While for those who aren't in this category it is somewhat daunting to even get by the day, even 1 meal a day seems like a blessing.

Although am just in my early 20's I can only thank God for the luxury of having 3 meals a day. With that said, I've had some difficult times too in my life where I hardly had the money to even buy a cup of water, let alone 1 meal a day. I had to do anything I could to get by and the only thing I had in my mind is to get by another day and make it count. At that time life seemed precious, even the simplest things in life seems worthy. At the end of the day each day, I thank God for all the blessings I had been given. For some reason, life did seem happy. Contented.

Facts of life

What does the society perceive about being rich? Well from what I see, being rich covers one from most  trouble/crime/sin they commit. I read this in a Yahoo page :
  • R. Kelly, R&B singer charged with child molestation rebounded quite well, with multi-platinum selling records during and after his trial. Sell-out shows on tour.
  • Mike Tyson, world-renown boxer, spent 6 years in prison for rape and he's still making money through film and book deals. If any of us were convicted rapists, could we even get within 500 yards of a movie set?
  • Robert Downey Jr, actor. Here's an idea, let's line up all the heroin junkies in America to audition for the lead role in the next summer blockbuster.
Mugshot of Robert Downey Jr
  • Kobe Bryant, NBA star. Charged with rape. Seems like it's been all-but-forgotten. Hey, he did get the Lakers another ring last year and he's the best player in the NBA!
  • O.J. Simpson, ex-NFL star and small time actor. Hm. Can't call this one, but something tells me he still has access to luxuries the average murderer doesn't. 
  • Mickey Rourke, actor. Seems to be getting a lot of big movie roles for an alcoholic who has beaten his ex-wives. Wonder if my employers could overlook arrests for domestic violence.
Mickey Rourke as villain in Iron Man 2
  • Curtis "50 Cent" Jackson, rapper and small time actor. Ex-con? Ex-drug dealer? Worth $300+ million, working with movie legends like DeNiro and Pacino? Not bad.
  • Eminem, rapper. Skirmishes outside night clubs, violence against the mother of his child, weapons charges. Sounds like a winner.
  • Roman Polanski, movie director. This guy drugged and sodomized minors. He even fled the country to avoid prosecution. Hollywood still came to his defense. If I am rich, I wonder if people will still come to my defense if I am drugging and violating minor children.
Left: Polanski in the 1960s with his wife, Sharon Tate. Bottom right: Samantha
Geimer, who was 13 when Polanski had sex with her in 1977. Top left: Jack Nicholson, in
whose home the crime occurred. Photo: AFP/AP
  • Shawn "Jay-Z" Carter, rapper and entertainment mogul. Jay-Z was charged with stabbing a man and pleaded down to a lesser charge and was given 3 years probation. But, he's rich now. Would you overlook my attempted murder if I became big and powerful, too? Would you let your kids around me? Well, apparently beautiful women don't mind, do they Beyonce?
Jay-Z addicted to the game : Rolling Stone
  • Tim Allen, actor. Yep, Tim "The Tool Man" Taylor spent 28 months in federal prison for cocaine trafficking. Still love the guy. 
  • Talking  about Allen, can't forget our famous producer Woody Allen, who married his long time minor girlfriend, upgrading from his father-daughter relation with her.
Left to right : Goldie Hawn, Soon-Yi Previn; Tim Allen's wife, Woody Allen and Natalie Portman.
           and with that said, he was also convicted of child rape of Mia Farrow's 7 year daughter Dylan Farrow. Mia Farrows was in a 12 year relationship Woody Allen though they were never married. Fortunately for his riches, he is still allowed to adopt more girls. We just can't get enough of awesome producers like him who just gives us awesome movies, can we? 
Tim Allen with his wife, Soon-Yi Previn, along with their 2 adopted daughters Manzie Tio Allen (right) & Bechet Dumaine Allen (left)
  • Paris Hilton? Lindsay Lohan, anyone? The list goes on.
Thinking about these people of high social class (although they are labeled celebrities, i see them as just another civilian in this case affluent civilian). I do understand they can afford top notch attorneys to get out of the situations they find themselves in, but is there really a stigma associated with being a criminal or do we just dislike poor people? Some of the lists did the at time or were accused before the fame, Tim Allen. What do you think? I mean, would you pay to watch a film starring the local sexual predator the next block over? Would you let a convicted rapist within 50 yards of your home, even near your children? If Tim Allen was a poor guy from your neighborhood who never had a job and lived off other people would you still look at him the same way? I honestly doubt it.

Well, maybe to make sense of it, what maybe happening could be that people still appreciate creative work even if the person who created it was not the best person. But how could, anything good come out something rotten? Edgar Allen Poe. By today's standards he was also a pedophile, he was a drunkard, and on October 7, 1849, at age 40, Poe died in Baltimore; the cause of his death is unknown and has been variously attributed to alcohol, brain congestion, cholera, drugs, heart disease, rabies, suicide, tuberculosis, and other agents. But he could write, thus made history. People love him, and people admire him.

I dont think it has anything to do with a lack of stigma towards criminals (though some things arent considered as criminal acts anymore). I think its good that we are able to see that even though they have made mistakes they still have positive qualities about them(if they ever do, eg Woody Allen; do you seriously think he is a changed man?). We are so called not judging them. Despite the fact that am a firm believer of good fruits doesn't come from a rotten tree, though. On the other hand, I think it is awfully bad because we are sending the message that those things are ok, that those things are acceptable. Not just to those who are looking to us, but we tell *THEM* its ok for them to continue acting like that, and even more, that we will continue to financially support you acting like that.

The more I go through these people I am beginning to believe people with riches have the tendency to live a morally incorrect life. As an additional note, their riches more often than not, serve as their armor against their conviction of any crime by a legal tribunal. Moreover, these people more often than not, elect themselves as  "godly figure" and adhering religiously to the Law for Crowley a.k.a. "Do what thou wilt". When Man has no moral standing and takes his own desires as the standards for living, I guess outcomes such as Jay-Z is truly NOT shocking at all.

In comparison for someone poor and suffering. He (gender neutral) does have the humbleness to truly believe that he is inferior and he has a mighty power which could prosecute him for his crime/sin/wrongful acts. These people tend to stay more rooted to the ground and lead a life feeling worthy and appreciative for what life offers. Everything life offers. Most often than not, people who have no riches to back them up often believe they have God as their ally.

With all that said, no one can ever generalize human beings. I can never categorize any two person as similar. Same goes to everything i wrote so far. Being poor is not a factor for integrity. It is just that more people have the tendency to live in a righteous way. Same goes to people who are rich, I hope I didn't stereotype them all. There are people who are rich yet stay grounded and has integrity which are often envied upon.

Coming back to the topic in hand, is it better to be rich or better to be poor? I think as long as I have my basic necessities fulfilled (roof on top of my head, clothes on my back, 4 wheels to get me around and have my tummy filled) - am not really looking for riches at all. I think the most important value of life is having God in your heart, in every step of one's life, reflecting His teachings in one's actions. I do not want anything which could distract me from that.

Feel free to comment

Till next time,
Take Care.

5 Responses so far.

  1. Anonymous says:


    The absence of darkness in a person does not suggest an abundance of light, for to know the light you must have known the darkness.

  2. Anonymous says:

    "I think the most important value of life is having God in your heart, in every step of one's life, reflecting His teachings in one's actions. I do not want anything which could distract me from that." AMEN!

  3. Anonymous says:

    I'd never thought about this, but you're right --- it's reprehensible that Woody Allen was allowed to adopt children after admitting to sexual relations with Soon Yi Farrow. Unfortunately, legally he was in the clear since he wasn't her adoptive legal Dad and he was only accused of raping Dylan. But it's likely that those adopted girls will be raped. As onlookers, we can practically count on it. It's deplorable.

    The recent scandal with the French IMF Chief both confirms your theory, but also refutes it. He has clearly been carrying on with unmitigated sexual aggression for years. But, he also - finally - spent a night in jail and is going to be charged and (it seems) likely convicted.

    While wealth and status is a mitigating factor in how people behave and whether they are taken to talk for it, it doesn't always insulate them from consequences. Even in the cases when they are able to squirm out of legal consequences, they still have to face their intimates and their own conscience. In the case of Woody Allen, at least one of his adoptive children with Mia Farrow refuses to have a relationship with him - and that publicly. But, most importantly, imagine what he sees when he looks into the mirror.

  4. Johnson Keith says:

    Nice article +1 Like

  5. Yvonne says:

    To Anonym 1, 2 and 3. Thank you. To Keith thanks for the like! Please share it on FB and Twit :p

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