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Health Benefits of Spicy Food :{

Yearning for hot & spicy food lately? but how healthy are these class of food choice?

Various studies have expressed beyond a sense of spiciness, chilies has many benefits, especially for health. These red hot chili peppers can reduce the risk of cancer, lower cholesterol levels in the blood and can even heal wounds. Eating spicy food or adding spices such as black peppers, chilies, even turmeric to your meal has its own health benefits.

Here I've listed down ten of them: 

Number 1 Aids weight loss

Spicy food helps to increase metabolic rate, therefore it aids to increase weight loss and would result in a gain of fluid. An increased metabolic rate works better for losing weight because it automatically reduces your caloric intake even before you start a diet or decrease daily food intake.

Number 2 Lowering "Bad" Cholesterol

Research has shown that by adding chilies to the diet, the LDL (Low Density Lipoproteins), or bad cholesterol, actually resisted oxidation for a longer period of time, thus delaying the development of a major risk for cardiovascular disease. According to two independent researches which was conducted in Seoul, Korea, hypothesized that consumption of capsaicin (active ingredient in chillies) at a effective dose even for a short time aids in lowering LDL levels while another research conducted in Tasmania, Australia, concluded that capsaicin  could increase resistance of serum lipoproteins. These findings are some of many scientific papers on chillies being effective for cholesterol management.

Meanwhile, two research by a team from Australia was also revealed, adding chili peppers in every cuisine (in low doses in a long period of time) can lower cholesterol levels in the blood. The results also concluded that spicy meal can also stabilize insulin levels in the blood. 

Number 3 Improves Digestion
Various amount of studies conducted have demonstrated that consumption of spice stimulates stomach secretions. This will increase blood flow to the stomach. Most of these mechanisms involve vasodilation (the dilation of blood vessels). Vasodilation occurring in gastrointestinal tract could aid in better absorption of nutrients from the consumed meal. Many commercial products uses capsaicin as an established excipient to induce vasodilation in order to relieve muscular pain through the dermal transportation of an analgesic. Moreover some studies even suggest that capsaicin itself exhibits analgesic properties. Even in a normal consumption, spicy foods can be beneficial to your stomach. A team of scientists from Hungary have concluded from a study that capsaicin can reduce gastric acid secretions and function as anti-inflammatory. 

Number 4 Improves Circulation
As one consumes a spicy meal, the body would utilize the capsaicin in the chillies and other spices such as black pepper and turmeric among others to produce heat (thermogenesis). The increase of body temperature would trigger normal body temperature regulation (thermoregulatory responses) to regulate the increasing temperature. This would cause among others vasodilation (increase of blood flow) and increased heartbeat which would result in production of sweat (or perspiration). As the sweat molecules are evaporated from the skin surface, it reduces the body heat. 

Number 5 Cancer Prevention
Capsaicin, was also shown in various laboratory settings that it could destroy cancer cell in rats. A very novel research conducted in Seoul, Korea demonstrated that capsicin and gingerol (an active ingredient in ginger) could be an important dietary chemo preventer. Moreover, capsaicin was also found to be skin tumor promotion antagonist (prevents the process of skin tumor). Besides capsaicin, Turmeric and many other spices has been scientifically proven to exhibit chemo preventive properties. 

Number 6 Improve heart function
Spices may help to improve heart's health by boosting the body’s ability to dissolve blood clots. This may be relevant to the fact already discussed above regarding capsaicin lowering LDL in blood. The capsaicin also fights inflammation, which has been identified as a risk factor for heart disease.

Number 7 Improves Sleep Pattern
Researchers have found that people who frequently consumed spicy meals fell asleep more easily, had healthier sleep patterns, and even woke up easier and had more energy throughout the day. A study conducted to evaluate the effect of temperature on 24-hour awake-sleep cycle of rats showed that increase of body heat causes an enhancement of sleep by a reduction in the duration of waking episodes, an effect that may represent a heat-defense response.

Number 8 Improves rate of  wound healing
In nature, there are vast different spices which is beneficial for would care. From Basil to Turmeric, and capsaicin to cinnamon, all exhibits wound healing properties to a certain degree of relevance. Turmeric, a natural chemical found in curry powder speeds up wound healing and assists in remodeling of damaged skin. Basil leaves and essential oils derived from it aids in wound care as well. For many in rural areas, red hot chili plants are widely used as a healing plant. Most of them use the whole plant as it is believed to heal wounds and its leaves can be used to cure high fever. A traditional recipe commonly used in a rural kitchen for wound healing is dried chili which is pounded into powder then sprinkled on the wound to accelerate wound healing process. Many researchers have concluded this to be the effect of capsaicin.

Number 9 Relieve high fever (anti-pyrexia)
 Capsaicin has been long used as an anti-pyretics to relieve high fever. Capsaicin is believed to also increase the production of endorphins in the brain and therefore, promote a sense of well being. Meanwhile, chili leaves can also be used to reduce fever. Upon perspiration the elevated temperature would return normal again. 

Number 10 Eases breathing

Chili can relieve runny nose and nasal congestion due to mucolitic and nasal decongestant properties of capsaicin. A mucolytic agent or expectorant is any agent which dissolves thick mucus or phlegm and is usually used to help relieve respiratory difficulties or nasal congestion. 

Other health benefits of capsaicin

  • Chili can relieve headaches and joint pains. The analgesic properties and heat generated by capsaicin will block transmission of pain signals from the central nervous system to the brain.This will ensure relieve of localized pain if chillies are applied in patches (commercially available chili based analgesic patches). Chili's are also used by some for rheumatic disorders and frostbite (pain due to cold finger).utilizing chillies have been used by natives such as Indian, Maxican, and Puerto Rican, to name a few, which could give immediate relief of pain and fever . Consuming chili soup does aid in muscular aches and fever. Many traditional herbal tinctures and soups
  • Chili may increase appetite. The capsaicin can stimulate the pituitary gland and hypothalamus to produce endorphin, a hormone that is able to evoke a sense of pleasure and happiness. Thus, increasing appetite.
  •  There has been an ongoing research based on aprodisiac activities of capsaicin. The research so far has concluded statistically positive effect of incresing libido in both sexes. 
  • Chilies contains antioxidants which can be useful to aid in preventing infertility andas an anti-aging agent. Chilis produce vitamin C (more than oranges), and provitamin A (more than carrots), which is necessary for the body.
  • Capsaicin and 2 more unidentified compounds in chillies also aids in treating flatulence.
  • Capsaicin also aids in absorption of calcium and phosphorous by the body.

Despite the many benefits that can be taken from eating chili, it is recommended for it to be consumed in moderation.

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Images credits to various sources 
Journals used in this blog has not been published due to privacy concern, should you require exact source please request to author. 
This material is provided for educational purposes only and is not to be used as a substitute for medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.

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Take Care.

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