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Archive for 04.2011

Trust in Marriage

Trust in marriage is something so vital that without it, a home could be in shambles. It is in every simple act that when one spouse begins to give in to his/her suspicious thoughts, it is like detonated time bomb. The issue which would be discussed here is regarding certain acts by spouse could eventually be a pathway for the couple...
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Swatches [1st ed]

Hi all, I have finally kept half of my promise for my 1st ed of swatches. Im not a pro when it comes to self pampering but in recent times I have taken effort to indulge myself in a little bit to the feminine part of me by giving into my long time desire of trying on different shades of lacquer. It is fun. Lacquers are gorgeous :D The disclaimer...
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Riches VS Poverty : What's your pick?

Greetings to all, I haven't fulfilled my promise for spectroscopy just yet, but rest assured it is on its way. This edition would be something that has always been at the back of my head for a while now. It has been a an old age discussion in deciding whether it is good to be rich or better to be poor. Some may resort to being poor by saying...
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Health Benefits of Spicy Food :{

Yearning for hot & spicy food lately? but how healthy are these class of food choice? Various studies have expressed beyond a sense of spiciness, chilies has many benefits, especially for health. These red hot chili peppers can reduce the risk of cancer, lower cholesterol levels in the blood and can even heal wounds. Eating spicy...
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Greetings to all~

Welcome to my niche:: Hi all, Im Yvonne (pseudonym) and I'm the creator of this blog. This blog is all about me, my thoughts, perceptions and everything else that concerns me. I'm a Health Care Professional who has a taste for living life, striving to attain bigger heights in life while always passionate about being 'grounded' with the...
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